Animated Videos: The Key to Business Success

The human brain is naturally wired toward images, with 60 to 70% of brain receptors geared for visual processing. As such, it only makes sense to integrate animated videos into your corporate marketing plan. Animated videos happen to be advantageous compared to standard videos. Video is the new golden ticket in marketing today. To stand out, include videos in your marketing mix. However, animated videos are more beneficial as they appeal to the love for animated characters in most people. Their charm will lighten you up even in your worst mood. Wondering how animated videos can help your business? Have a look below.

Animations Engage Your Target Audience

In about two or three minutes, animations, and especially explainer videos, explain your service or product to your target audience in a way that it is easy to grasp. But that begs the question of why not record someone using the product? Well, animated videos will command a higher level of investment from your audience; they draw people in and captivate them to the end of the video. Also, these videos are easier to update, and customers find them easier to remember. By and large, animated explainer videos enable you to connect with your customers.

Animated Videos Kindle Your Social Media

Videos generate 1,200% more shares than text and images. Therefore, they must be included on your social media to add colour and personality to your page. A video is easier to consume as it only takes a second to click and view it, unlike reading lengthy paragraphs. Moreover, it is easy to share.

Animations Improve Search Engine Rankings

Video production companies in Manchester know that animations will help you rank higher on search engines. In recent years, Google has prioritised video-centric websites, making them 53 times more likely to appear on the front page. Moreover, Google also prioritises sites that have a higher dwell time. Animated videos increase the amount of time people spend on your page, allowing you to rank higher. If your goal is to be on Google’s first page, consider investing in animations.

social media marketing concept

Animated Videos Are Easily Understood

Mythological stories are produced in animated form first because it appeals to all, and second because one can use it to simplify complex issues. Lively images and contrasting colours make it easier to consume. Moreover, animated videos use simple language that most people can comprehend. Take advantage of animations to explain complex concepts to your customers.

Animations Are Versatile

You will get a ton of mileage from animations owing to their versatility. You can use them in lobbies, in cinema ads, or on television. Moreover, you can use them on social media and in email marketing. They are also easy to edit when you need to change something. Finally, they are mobile-compatible as they are much lighter and simpler to load, allowing your customers to watch them on the go.\

Videos, particularly animated videos, are the future of marketing. They are appealing, fun to watch, and informative. The guide above shows why you should invest in animated videos for your business success.

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