Top Ideas for Starting Your Handmade Jewelry Website

If you have the passion and skills for making handicraft jewelry, why not start your own business? The jewelry industry continues to grow, having over 29% share of worldwide internet purchases last year and sporting a $279 billion market value the same year.

In addition to the niche’s profitability, jewelry is an excellent fit for e-commerce as these are lightweight, easy to ship, customizable, and versatile.

If you’re considering starting a jewelry business, it’s best to make a home-made jewelry website. Bringing your jewelry business online is a great way to allow your customers to shop anywhere and anytime, giving you a competitive edge.

To help you out, here are the top pointers for starting your home-made jewelry business.

Create a Blog

Establishing a blog is a great and cost-effective way to market your jewelry business. It allows you to share helpful content while promoting your products and building relationships with your customers. However, besides good content, you’ll need to publish top-quality photos of your products, a must in the jewelry industry. That’s why it’s best to dedicate your time to learn how to edit your handmade jewelry photos and the art behind photography.

Product photography can either make or break your business, and although hiring a professional photographer is an easier route, it tends to be pricey. So it’s best to take your time to master photography and editing to publish a quality and lead-generating blog.

Create a Website

Besides publishing a helpful and fun blog for your audience, it’s good to build a professional website to sell your products. It provides a more formal vibe, allowing your customers to feel what they’re getting is legitimate and top-quality. Although you can hire web developers for this task, it can be costly. But you don’t need to worry because you can create your professional website with platforms such as WIX or GoDaddy for free.

Besides setting up your website, you need to ensure it ranks at the top of popular search engines like Google to increase your chances of having more traffic. You can do this by incorporating Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques to your site. Web development platforms like WIX usually provide SEO guides to help you achieve this.

Take Advantage of Social Media

Social Media button on a keyboard with speech bubbles

Nowadays, everyone has social media, from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram to Pinterest, with each platform having over hundreds and millions of active daily users. Take advantage of these numbers and create social media accounts dedicated to your business. Pinterest and Instagram are the best platforms for any jewelry business as it relies on showcasing an array of products, which are usually image-based.

Keep your social media feeds consistent and limit personal posts for better results. It’s also best to post a couple of times per week to keep your audience engaged. You can schedule posts beforehand by using free scheduling tools provided by the platforms.

Use Email Marketing

Although social media is a great marketing strategy to bring in more traffic to your websites, nothing beats email marketing. It’s one of the most effective ways of engaging clients. You can announce sales, exclusive discounts, blog updates, and promote new products.

Personalized emails can leave a lasting impression on your buyers, so take advantage of this lucrative marketing technique. You don’t have to be a genius to have run successful email campaigns as most website builders have built-in email marketing tools.

Turn your passion and talent into a profitable business with the tips listed above, allowing you to establish a steady income flow while doing what you love.

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