Girls Night Out: How to Look Your Best Self Tonight

Red lipstick, black eyeliner, little black dress — these are three of the things that women wear when they want to look best on a night out with friends. You want to look glowing when you party with your friends. Through some instant beautifying tips, your night out can be a wonderful experience. Here’s how:

Looking Your Best

Wearing jewelry makes you pretty for a photography case study, as wearing accessories add appeal to any outfit you choose. Just don’t overdo it. Pick jewelry that stands out and emphasizes your features.

For your hair, choose a style that will match your outfit and makeup. Try the “messy hair, don’t care” look. This looks good on almost anyone. It’s also safe because you’re skipping the hair blower and curling iron. Another way to be beautiful when going out at night is to have great skin. Use moisturizer regularly on your whole body. You can also use a fake tan if you want a faux sun-kissed glow.

Lastly, wear your favorite dress. You’ll have lots of confidence when you wear a dress that looks good on you. A little black dress can do wonders for you because it’s like a blank canvass. This could be your starting point when wearing makeup, accessorizing, styling your hair, and choosing your shoes.

Prepare Your Body

girl with water

You want to be as healthy as possible when you go out with friends. One of the best ways to do that is to drink tea at day time. Tea has detoxifying properties that can help your body cope with drinking.

Eat and drink water before you drink alcohol. Drinking water will help you not drink alcohol all at once. To add, eating before drinking is advisable so that it’s already in your stomach before the alcohol hits your intestines. You can also incorporate healthy fat in your meal before heading out. Doing so can slow down the absorption rate of the alcohol into your blood. You can eat avocado, salmon, and nuts for healthy fat intake.

Finally, give some love to your liver. Try to consume turmeric, cinnamon, kale, broccoli, avocado, lemon, and beetroot to aid the liver when you’re drinking alcohol. Just try to add these to your diet before you head out so even when you’re drinking, you’re still healthy.

Prepare Mentally

If you’re not much of a party goer, chances are, you’ll feel shy. Set realistic goals. You don’t have to be the life of the party. Just talk to a few people so you won’t be out of place. Stay at least an hour. Bring a friend with you in case you’re extremely shy.

Prepare some topics that you can share like work, movies, news, and sports. Stay calm and challenge yourself to resist the urge to go home at once. Try to arrive on time and don’t drink too much alcohol to hide your fear. Lastly, practice breathing exercises as your contingency plan.

Having a night out with friends is amazing. You might have a wonderful experience. Don’t be scared to go out of your comfort zone. Who knows, you might even meet someone new on your night out.

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